“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much!” – Helen Keller​

Join Take Action Petaluma (TAP)

  1. Sign-up and follow TAP on Facebook
  2. Share posts and build awareness within your community about development plans that threaten our wetlands, river and open spaces.
  3. Participate in TAP partner events, petitions and respond to city government proposals.

We are seeking engaged Petaluman’s who want to help with projects that promote transparency and awareness on issues that shape our quality of life. Email info@takeactionpetaluma.com

Election season is coming and we could use your help!


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Next Steps:

  • Participate in City Council Meetings and have your voice heard.Subscribe to get alerts of all City meetings, read the agenda for simple instructions for commenting.
  • Subscribe to get Alerts of All City Meetings
  • Email City Council, tell them what you think.
    Email City Clerk, at cityclerk@cityofpetaluma.org with your message and add the request, “Please forward this email to the City Council”
  • Contact City Managers and tell them what you think: